Monday, May 24, 2010

Field Trip...

I had my Field Trip on Saturday and have included some pictures below. I am really trying to take pictures and not just snapshots. But I guess that takes practice. I think I am getting there slowly.

First and foremost I am attracted to the figurines so I found myself taking a lot of pictures of those.

This statue is one of my favorites! There is just something about her that I relate to.

This is an interesting shot of the statue against the Atlanta skyline. It was early in the morning and still foggy.

This couple is so beautiful. I imagine this was done in their likeness.

I tried to take this one from a different angle.

I also found myself chasing critters...

This mocking bird was terrorizing all the squirrels. I later found out she was defending her nest.

And the interesting tombstones...

I am not familiar with this figure but was told that he was a famous golfer.

I was trying to do something creative with these. Not so sure it worked out. LOL!

And people...

My classmates...

And finally some flowers...

I am amazed I got this shot as my hand was shaking like crazy.

I thought these two looked interesting lying on the floor.

Well that's it for today! Hope you enjoyed the pictures. Until next time, keep on snappin'!

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