Sunday, May 2, 2010

Completing the assignment....

Gee it's hot out there! I just returned from the park where I went to complete my first photo assignment. I started taking pictures in my back yard earlier today and got some pictures of the flowers. I have been taking pictures of these flowers for the past two weeks so it's beginning to get monotonous. LOL! However, I tried to pay attention to composition so that the pictures will at least look interesting and different from the previous ones. When it comes to flowers, I love shooting bulls-eye pictures like the one below , where the beauty of the flower almost fulls the frame.

This morning, I decided to apply the "Rule of Thirds" and come up with a more aesthetically pleasing photograph, like the ones below. Note that all of the photos in today's post were taken without flash and none of the pictures have been re-touched.

For those of you that do not know what the rule of thirds is, here is a simple explanation. When you look through your camera's lens, try to visualize the image in front of you divided into three, both vertically and horizontally. Try to place objects in your picture at, or close to, where these lines intersect or on the lines themselves. These objects can be anything, a tree, horizon line, sky, person or part of a person etc. Just have fun experimenting. The rule of thirds is one of the most well known rules of photographic composition. However, in photography, rules are meant to be broken sometimes, so this principle does not have to be applied to every shot.

As I mentioned before, the flowers in the back yard were getting a bit boring so I headed to the park to find a more interesting subject. I walked down to the pond and saw some boys and their dad catching snakes. Across on the other side was this woman and her dog taking refuge from the heat under a shady tree. What a beautiful picture! So I took the shot.

I got closer and got this shot. She told me that the dog was very hot and was cooling off in the water.

You can see him here, thoroughly enjoying himself. This is going to be a question I ask at my next class. I love this picture but it is not sharp. Is it at all possible to get sharp pictures of animals that are constantly moving, without using your camera's flash? I could have turned on my flash but I tried to stay within the rules of the assignment and that meant no-flash!

Below are two landscape photos that I think turned out pretty nice.

Well that is it for today. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. I will see you next time with another photo adventure.

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